Politecnico di Milano is an Italian public university founded in 1863, which trains students in Engineering,
Architecture and Industrial Design. It is considered one of the best technical universities in Italy; about the
15% of Italian engineers graduate in this University.
Two Departments are involved in the proposal, namely the Physics Department and the Department of
Aerospace Science and Technology.
The Physics Department hosts about 60 faculty members, 120 postdocs and PhD students and 20 members
in technical and administrative positions. The research activities are organized in 5 main topics:
- Ultrashort light pulse generation and applications to the study of ultrafast phenomena in the matter;
- Solid state lasers and photonic devices;
- Photonics for health, food and cultural heritage;
- Epitaxial growth and nanostructure fabrication;
- Electronic, optical and magnetic properties of low-dimensional systems.
Nine laser laboratories are dedicated to the first research topic, that concerns the generation and application
of ultrashort optical pulses for the study of dynamical processes in materials. Five over nine laser labs are
dedicated to activities strongly related to the project, namely the generation of few-optical-cycle laser pulses
for extreme non-linear optics applications (generation of high-order harmonics) and the generation of
attosecond pulses and related technologies.
The Department of Aerospace Science and Technology gathers 48 faculty members, 90 postdocs and PhD
students and 26 members of the administration and technical staff.
DAST research areas cover several topics of Aeronautical and Space Engineering:
- Aerodynamics of fixed and rotary wings;
- Dynamics of aerospace structures;
- Space propulsion;
- Design of space missions
Within the Department, the Physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (PDFLab) performs theoretical, numerical, and experimental researches in understanding fundamental issues rising in fluid flows operating at high non-ideal and/or non-equilibrium conditions. PFDLab staff includes five researchers with permanent positions, one postdoc and five PhD students. In particular, the laboratory staff has strong expertise and experience in numerical modeling of
gaseous microflows and fluid-structure interaction in micro-devices, which are relevant to the present
Website: http://www.polimi.it
Phisic Department: http://www.fisi.polimi.it
Department of Aerospace Science and Technology: https://www.aero.polimi.it